Looking to book talent?
Feel free to contact us below about your upcoming project. The more details given about the upcoming project the better we can assist you.
We understand that some projects may still be fine tuning, no worries, give us as much as you have. Dates, locations, budget, types of talent needed for the project and what the project entails for the talent. ​
All usage must be negotiated as rates apply to session time only.
Lingerie/Underwear: Bras, panties, slips, pantyhose, and all loungewear and sleepwear: Double rate.
All transparent garments or nudes: Triple rate.
Men's shorts, briefs: Double rate.
Personal Hygiene: Double rate.
ALL rates are one hour minimum on set.
Clients must specify type of lingerie at time of booking. Agency must check with model before accepting any lingerie bookings. A closed set and private changing room are required.
Full day bookings are based on eight consecutive hours worked with one hour for lunch. If less than one hour is provided for lunch, talent will be compensated for the lunch break given. Overtime will apply after eight hours and will be charged at time and one half the talent's hourly rate.
Fittings and Wardrobe Check: Full rate applies calculated per half hour increments.
Preparation Time: Make-up, hairdressing, styling, etc.: Full fee.
Stylist Rates: Hourly rates apply to shopping, returns, prep time, production meetings and on set styling.
Stylist Expenses: Expenses to be advanced by the client include but are not limited to wardrobe and shopping expenses, props and accessories.
Cancellations: All cancellations require a minimum of 24 hours notice, for location shoots, holding days and weather permit options please contact the agency for additional information.
Weather Permit: Same day cancellations: Full Fee. Cancellation the day before: Half Day Fee.
Models may not sign a photographic release and photographer may not use pictures unless specific arrangements have been made prior to the shooting with the agency.
Must be negotiated prior to booking.
There is a 20% agency fee on all bookings and usage fee.
A 5% finance charge will be applied on all invoices not paid within 30 days. It is not permitted to use the photographs or video and any model material for any purpose whatsoever until all fees have been paid.